Unsloth AI

THB 1000.00
unsloth pypi

unsloth pypi  unshare PyPI pip3 install unshare · Usage unshare where supported flags are CLONE_NEWNS , CLONE_NEWUTS , CLONE_NEWPID , CLONE_NEWUSER , CLONE_NEWIPC , pip3 install unsloth PyPI page: projectunsloth Project JSON: projectunslothjson Versions: 24 Files: 24 Downloads : 101

Hello everyone Can anyone please save my sanity I've been obsessively trying to get unsloth installed during the whole night but no matter Recently a new framework or library to optimize the training and fine-tuning stage of a large language model has been released: Unsloth

Open-source Fine-tuning & Training of LLMs Unsloth AI has 9 repositories available Follow their code on GitHub  Offline installation of unsloth package¶ Cloning into 'unsloth' remote: Enumerating objects: 4944, done remote: Counting objects: 100% , done

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