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Sika FerroGard-901 S

Sika FerroGard-901 S

Daftar sika ferrogard 901

Sika® FerroGard®-901 S is a liquid concrete admixture based on Sika® FerroGard® technology for use in reinforced concrete and mortar It acts as a corrosion

Sika FerroGard 901 should be added with the mixing water Mixing time 1 minute per metre COMPATIBILITY Sika Admixtures: All Cements: All IMPORTANT NOTES

sikatop 123 fl Utilisation Sika FerroGard 901 est conseillé pour tous les bétons armés ou les mortiers et les coulis de réparation exposés à des environnements corrosifs

sika ferrogard 901 Sika® FerroGard®-901 S – жидкая добавка на основе технологии Sika ® FerroGard ® для использования в железобетоне и строительных растворах

Regular price 188.00 ฿ THB
Regular price 188.00 ฿ THB Sale price 188.00 ฿ THB
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