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localhost phpmyadmin

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When I go here http:localhost I get the Apache2 default page Bad news - when I go to http:localhostphpmyadmin

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localhost phpmyadmin

เว็บไซต์ localhost phpmyadmin When I go here http:localhost I get the Apache2 default page Bad news - when I go to http:localhostphpmyadmin localhostmyadmin PhpMyAdmin password Trap 1: http localhostphpmyadmin not found ubuntu Solution: nano etcapache2 ## add it at the end of

localhost phpmyadmin The phpMyAdmin team is pleased to announce the release of phpMyAdmin version 1 This is a bugfix release that also contains a security fix for an XSS  I installed the mariadb and phpMyAdmin I opened a port in the firewall for a mysql database server In a browser : localhostindex   Now we can install the latest phpMyAdmin version In the menu, select Tools → Quick add → phpMyAdmin After installing phpMyAdmin, http:localhostphpmyadmin
